The Beginning
By Leezee

Chapter 1
The Moon Kingdom

The tale of Sailor Moon and the scouts all started with Queen Serenity (the queen of the moon) wishing for a son to rule the moon after her.
    One day Queen serenity's wish came true.  although instead of a son she had a daughter.  Although disappointed she loved her new daughter very much.
    Queen Serenity wanted to be remembered so she named her baby girl after her.  Princess Serenity.  Princess Serenity had Beautiful silky blonde hair, faire beautiful blue eyes and wore a long silk gown made of whit e silk down to her feet and two purl burettes in her hair.
    Princess Serenity was a beautiful young girl and loved the Celebrations they had every year for her.
    The moon Kingdom celebrated the birth of princess Serenity every year by having a ball for her birthday but that year was promising to be the best so far.  Princess Serenity was turning 16.
    Many people were invited including the princess of mars,  the princess of Jupiter, the princess of venus, the princess of mercury, the princess of pluto, the princess of neptune, the princess of saturn, the princess of uranus,
the knights of these peaceful planets, the kings and queens and many other people.
    Although invited the outer planet princesses (pluto, uranus, saturn and neptune) could not attend being very busy.
    Princess Raye, (mars) Princess Amy, (Mercury) Princess Lita, (jupitor) princes mina, (venus) and princess Serena (moon) all went out to the garden.
    "Oh Princess Serenity you are so lucky to be able to visit this garden as often as you want!" Princess Amy fussed over princess Serenity.
    "Yes, well it is a beautiful garden but not as beautiful as many other things in my Kindom" Princess Serenity replied "Would you like me to show you?" She asked
    "Hello." A Familer voice from behind
    "Prince Derein!" Princess Serenity said getting up and walking over to him "I thought you forgot."
    "Me?" He asked "I would never forget your birthday." He said kissing her lightly on the lips.
    "Ugh you people disgust me!" Princess Raye said with a disgusted tone in her voice
    "Umm, I wonder why?" Princess Serenity pondered. "Could it be because you have never witnessed such disgust?"
    "Ohh Be Quiet." Princess Raye mumbled
    "Princesses I would like you to meet my generals: Nephrite, Zoisite, Malachite and Jadeite" Prince Derein introduced "General, this is: Princess Raye, Princess Amy, Princess Lita, Princess Mina and Princess Serenity."
    "Yes,  I have heard of you." Zoisite said looking at Serenity
     Prince Derein Elbowed Zoisite.  Serenity giggled. Prince Derein blushed.
    "Hello Princess Raye." Jadeite said
    Princess Raye jumped.
    "I'm sorry did I startle you?" Jadeite asked
    "Umm, Yes slightly." Princess Raye answered
    After a short while the General and Prince Derein left.
    So how long have you and Prince Derein been together?" Princess Mina asked
    "Awile." Princess serenity answered.  Her head was some were else.
    The Ball began and the Princess Serenity (the ball being for her) got to have the first dance.
     After a few minites watching Princess Serenity and prince derien dancing go t a bit dull so the girls all went out and sat on the balcony.  After awhile the generals came out and asked each girl to dance.  They excepted.
    Princess Raye was dancing with Jadeite,  Princess Lita Dancing with Nephrite, Mina dancing with kunzite, and the shy Amy dancing with Zoisite.
Days after the ball each girl had seen the generals more than once.  One day as they were all planing a day together with the princesses prince Derein asked them to go spy on the negaforce.
    After very many long days owith no trace of the generals the girls began loosing hope.  When suddenley the Moon knight fell into the thrown room where The queen and princess were sitting and told them the bad new.
    The Generals had been Captured.  Princess Serenity told Her friend in the nicest way as posibble but all the girls were very sad and lost all hope of ever being with the Generals again.
    One day suddenly weird little space ships started dropping bombs all over the place.  All the girls were transported to the moon Kindom were they tranfored and help in the battle with the negaforce.
    The moon kindom was loosing.
    Queen Serenity decided to use the moon crystal.  She was winning but not having much energy left she collapsed soon.  With the last bit of her strenth she sent the children of the plantets (Princesses Princes and knights) To be reborn on earth.

This is the end of the tale of the moon princess in the very begining but come back and read all the other stories about sailor moon and the scouts.

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