The Sailor Scouts
By Leezee

    Hi!  My name is Leezee.  This my site.  If you don't just
    wan't to read the stories, look at the site or find some
      info on the sailor scouts you can be part of it.  I am
  looking for poeple who would like to write on this site or
                          help find pics or info for it.
  As you can see this site still needs alot of work and I am
 looking for people to help run it.  if you would like to help
        just e-mail me at
tell me your name, age and all that jazz.  Also if you like my ICQ number is 13964150.
Click on the name of the characters page you would like to visit each has stories(or will) info (or will) and pics.

Sailor Moon
Sailor Mercury
Sailor Jupitor
Sailor Mars
Sailor Venus
Chibi Moon
The Scouts
