The Storm Warning Series
by Rissy

Chapter 1

Three down 2 to Go
    "This is the life," Serena said dreamily as she wandered aimlessly around the mall gulping a chocolate milk shake.
    "Ya, with the teachers on strike school could be out for days!" Lita Exclaimed
    "Ya but those clouds are really bugging me,  They have been around for a week now." Amy said
    "Ya but there has been no rain," Serena said "is that right?"
    "We should have a meeting about this," Amy said
    "Why? Mina Asked
    "because they seem to be giving of a strange sort of energy." Amy told her
    "But but but but I don't want to have another meeting." Serena pouted "they are just stupid storm clouds!"
    "Meet at the star light tower at 5:00 pm." Luna said
     Serena paced back and forth impatiently.
 "Where is that Raye?" Serena wined "She is always complain g because I am late an now she is the one late."
 "Look at that!" Lita said "There are 3 ambulances coming out of the exit of the perking lot Raye usually paces through."
 "Whoa!" Mina exclaimed "We better check it out."
 "Uh Ha" Lita agreed

 "Come On Raye" Amy said worriedly
"It is no use." Mina said loosing hope.
 Three more ambulances went speeding out of the hospital grounds.
 "That is the 6th one we have seen in the last hour." Amy pointed out
 "This is getting weird!" Lita exclaimed as more ambulances pulled out and in.
 "Hey it is starting to rain!" Mina pointed out
 "I have been watching those clouds,? Amy said "And it seems that every time some one comes in here that cloud got bigger and bigger and now it is raining."
 "How bought we go in groups of two and try to find out what is going on.? Lita suggested
 "But ti is rai," Serena started
 "It is just dribbling you will live? Lita burst

 "Ouch these rain drops hurt!" Serena complained
 "Serena you go to the mall with Amy to the mall where Raye was." Lita said
 "I will go with mi...." Lita started
 "Oh ya the mall!" Serena shouted
 "Oh Sorry." Serena said half heartily
 "Second thought I have a feeling nothing will get done if you go to the mall so me and Mina will go to the mall and you can go to her parent's house." Lita changed
 "There goes Lita." Artimis sighed "I don't know how that could have happened since they were together.?
 "Luna Artimis!" Mina said out of breathe "It was a cardein"
"What calm down!" Luna said "now what happened?"
 "We split up to make better time and then I heard Lita scream and ran back" Mina explained "After They took mina in the ambulance I look around and saw that a cardein was attacking more people so I came to get Amy and Serena and I found you first.  We have to hurry before we know it everyone will be energy drained.
 "All right how about you and Artimis go back to the mall and try to stop him and I will go and get Serena and Amy and bring them back to the mall." Luna suggested
 "Okay" Mina agreed but hurry

 "Oh No!" Amy screamed das she saw the hospital loading up Sailor Venus
 "No Sailor Venus!" Serena screamed
 "Do you know this girl?" a cop asked
 "Ahh Ya she is Sailor Venus" Amy said
 "Sorry officer but we have to go." Serena said grabbing amy hand and running off
 "Wait come back!" The officer yelled
 "Serena we shouldn't have run off like that." Amy said
 "I know but I wasn't going to spill my guts to that cop." Serena explained.
    "All right I'll take the food court you go check the main hallway." Serena ordered "Okay do i want chinese food or chicken?" She asked herself
    "Serena I will come check on you and if you are stuffing your self I will hurt you!  Got it?" Amy Screamed.
    "Okay fine." Serena half agreed

    "Crunch Crunch this is go....." Serena started.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" someone screamed
    "That's Amy!" Serena screamed and started to run to the main hallway
    Serena ran trying to get past all the people going the other way.
    Should I transform? Serena asked herself.
   "Serena transform" Luna said as she jumped on to Serena's shoulder "Sailor moon would be good right now and Hurry!"
    "I am on it!" Serena yelled running to the bathroom.
    "MOON PRISM POWER!" Serena shouted after making sure there was no one in the bathroom.

    "AHHHHHHH my energy." Amy said weakly as her and several other people were getting their energy sucked by a cardein.
   "Hey you" Sailor Moon Yelled "I Am Sail....."
   "Ugh Who Are you?" The cardien asked in a dark deep voice.
    "Well if you hadn't interrupted then  you would already know" Sailor Moon said frustrated.
    "Sailor Moon" Sailor Mercury said as good as possible
    "ya that's me." Sailor Moon Replied
    "Help" Sailor Mercury said weakly
    "I'm on it!" Serena Yelled

 There will be more later some back if you would like to continue reading.

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